
法國私房菜 Legend Concept

The BOSS of Legend Concept - a very lovely and affectionate toy poodle. Hahaha, just kidding. BOSS is the dog's name who belongs to the owners of the restaurant.

Goose Liver with Apple

Cream of Corn with Crab Roe

Pan Fried Scallop

Squid & Spinach Mousse

Iced Strawberry

King Prawn

French Confit of Duck

Baked Alaska

Coffee or Tea

Remarks: I apologize for my hand shaking during the photo taking since I rarely use light weight DC.


銅鑼灣時代廣場舉辦了 "我愛豬豬" 展覽, 展出了多款別緻可愛的豬豬 . . . . .


今年提早返娘家吃團年飯, 菜單是一湯五小菜 - 愛心湯 + 雞 + 大蝦 + 鮑魚豆苗 + 魚 + 清炒菜.

Night At The Museum

It rocks!!!!!

題材新鮮! 主角鬼馬! 由頭笑到尾!